Sample Nikola Config File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Configuration, please edit
# post_pages contains (wildcard, destination, template, use_in_feed) tuples.
# The wildcard is used to generate a list of reSt source files (whatever/thing.txt)
# That fragment must have an associated metadata file (whatever/thing.meta),
# and opcionally translated files (example for spanish, with code "es"):
# whatever/ and whatever/
# From those files, a set of HTML fragment files will be generated:
# whatever/thing.html (and maybe whatever/
# These files are combinated with the template to produce rendered
# pages, which will be placed at
# output / TRANSLATIONS[lang] / destination / pagename.html
# where "pagename" is specified in the metadata file.
# if use_in_feed is True, then those posts will be added to the site's
# rss feeds.
post_pages = (
("posts/*.txt", "weblog/posts", "post.tmpl", True),
("stories/*.txt", "stories", "post.tmpl", False),
# What is the default language?
# What languages do you have?
# If a specific post is not translated to a language, then the version
# in the default language will be shown instead.
# The format is {"translationcode" : "path/to/translation" }
# the path will be used as a prefix for the generated pages location
"en": "",
"es": "tr/es",
# Paths for different autogenerated bits. These are combined with the translation
# paths.
# Final locations are:
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / TAG_PATH / index.html (list of tags)
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / TAG_PATH / tag.html (list of posts for a tag)
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / TAG_PATH / tag.xml (RSS feed for a tag)
TAG_PATH = "categories"
# Final location is output / TRANSLATION[lang] / INDEX_PATH / index-*.html
INDEX_PATH = "weblog"
# Final locations for the archives are:
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / ARCHIVE_PATH / archive.html
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / ARCHIVE_PATH / YEAR / index.html
ARCHIVE_PATH = "weblog"
# Final locations are:
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / RSS_PATH / rss.xml
RSS_PATH = "weblog"
# A list of redirection tuples, [("foo/from.html", "/bar/to.html")].
# A HTML file will be created in output/foo/from.html that redirects
# to the "/bar/to.html" URL. notice that the "from" side MUST be a
# relative URL.
# If you don't need any of these, just set to []
REDIRECTIONS = [("index.html", "/weblog/index.html")]
# Commands to execute to deploy. Can be anything, for example,
# you may use rsync:
# "rsync -rav output/*"
# And then do a backup, or ping pingomatic.
# To do manual deployment, set it to []
r'rsync -rav --delete output/*',
r'rdiff-backup output ~/bartleblog-backup',
r"links -dump '' > /dev/null",
r"links -dump '' > /dev/null",
r'rsync -rav ~/bartleblog-backup/*',
# Image Gallery Options
# Galleries are folders in galleries/
# Final location of galleries will be output / GALLERY_PATH / gallery_name
GALLERY_PATH = "galleries"
# HTML fragments and diverse things that are used by the templates
# Data about this site
BLOG_TITLE = "Lateral Opinion"
BLOG_DESCRIPTION = "I write free software. I have an opinion on almost "\
"everything. I write quickly. A weblog was inevitable."
# A HTML fragment describing the license, for the sidebar.
# I recomment using Creative Commons' wizard:
<a rel="license" href="">
<img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0; margin-bottom:12px;"
# A small copyright notice for the page footer
CONTENT_FOOTER = u"Contents © 2000-2012 Roberto Alsina <>"
# To enable comments via Disqus, you need to create a forum at,
# and set DISQUS_FORUM to the short name you selected.
# If you want to disable comments, set it to False.
DISQUS_FORUM = "lateralopinion"
# RSS_LINK is a HTML fragment to link the RSS or Atom feeds. If set to None,
# the base.tmpl will use the feed Nikola generates. However, you may want to
# change it for a feedburner feed or something else.
#RSS_LINK = """
#<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="">
#<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS en Espanol" href="">
# A search form to search this site, for the sidebar. You can use a google
# custom search (
# Or a duckduckgo search:
# This example should work for pretty much any site we generate.
<!-- Custom search -->
<form method="get" id="search" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="sites" value="%s"/>
<input type="hidden" name="k8" value="#444444"/>
<input type="hidden" name="k9" value="#D51920"/>
<input type="hidden" name="kt" value="h"/>
<input type="text" name="q" maxlength="255" placeholder="Search…" class="span2" style="margin-top: 4px;"/>
<input type="submit" value="DuckDuckGo Search" style="visibility: hidden;" />
<!-- End of custom search -->
""" % BLOG_URL
# Google analytics or whatever else you use. Added to the bottom of <body>
# in the default template (base.tmpl).
<!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="statcounter">
<a title="free hit counters" href="" target="_blank"><img class="statcounter" src="" alt="free hit counters" ></a>
<!-- End of StatCounter Code -->
<!-- Start of Google Analytics -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-1639287-1";
<!-- End of Google Analytics -->
# Put in global_context things you want available on all your templates.
# It can be anything, data, functions, modules, etc.
'analytics': ANALYTICS,
'blog_title': BLOG_TITLE,
'blog_url': BLOG_URL,
'translations': TRANSLATIONS,
'license': LICENSE,
'search_form': SEARCH_FORM,
'disqus_forum': DISQUS_FORUM,
'content_footer': CONTENT_FOOTER,
'rss_path': RSS_PATH,
'rss_link': RSS_LINK,
# Locale-dependent links for the sidebar
'sidebar_links': {
'en': (
('/archive.html', 'Archives'),
('/categories/index.html', 'Tags'),
('', 'Powered by Nikola!'),
'es': (
('/archive.html', 'Archivos'),
('/categories/index.html', 'Tags'),
('', 'Powered by Nikola!'),
# Sorry, this is magic. It just is.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# End of magic.
# To disable tasks, just delete them. For example, if you really
# do not want to do a sitemap:
# del(task_sitemap)
# You can also replace the provided tasks with your own by redefining them
# below this point. For a list of current tasks, run "doit list", and for
# help on their syntax, refer to the doit handbook at